OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Unicode special characters like Ő Ű break UI/config/operation

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Ray.
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  • #61900


    I’ve named some of the zones and programs in Hungarian language. Names containing characters like é, ő, ű, á, í.

    Saving them was fine. Everything looked fine for a while until I noticed that in the UI some names appeared garbled where special chars should have been. I corrected those, but left in the ones which were still looking fine. Ő, ű broke immediately, é, á were looking good still.

    On some days I noticed that the system starts watering some programs at random times during the day. Double cheched time was correct. However the original schedules were always performed in time, it was onnly that additional unexpected program runs occured randomly, but I was able to catch these and stop them manually.

    Using only a rain sensor.

    Walking through the settings I noticed that the system has lost geographical coordinates. I’ve set the location again, and removed all special characters from all the names. All running pretty fine since.

    I’d suggest to either fix support for all names in unicode (both in config an in the UI display), or to do some input validation to only accept basic English characters.

    Tested in app and Firefox on pc, all the same behavior.



    Thanks for reporting this issue. We will check and try to fix it soon.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Unicode special characters like Ő Ű break UI/config/operation