OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Update Function & Button

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  • #22768


    Should we try to create an “Update” button in device settings under “Reboot Open Sprinkler” and a function that runs a git pull?



    I just tried to implement something like this and ran into every obstacle outlined in this blog post (in this order):

    So, I have another idea. We already have a script in crontab running every minute, watcher.php. So, I can add an option to automatically install updates and have the watcher install them periodically. But, do I need to expose this as an option or would everyone be okay if this just happened? I would first do a `which git` for the binary location and if nothing is found abort there. I would then check the install location for a .git/HEAD file and if missing abort. The only issue would be a bad update but nothing that could possibly break git pull from updating/fixing itself.

    Let me know what you think and we can easily implement something like I mentioned.



    I see.. you can make an external script that php calls but too many variables and a few security holes to make.

    Using the weather and making it an option would work. I definitely would want to choose to auto update or not and or perhaps choose to have the system report the need for an update?



    In lieu of a manual “Install update” button, I’d be ok with the auto update and config option to disable as mentioned above. When an update is auto installed a quick msg popup – like the “Update available” – msg indicating that an “Update installed” would be good as a prompt to go and check out a description of the update..!

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Update Function & Button