OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware URL for Unified firmware – has it changed?

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  • #43113


    I have been able to SSH into my Pi with a fresh Raspian build, and wish to grab and install the most recent Unified firmware for my OSPi. However, typing in the following command gets me a fatal error – has the URL changes or is there a better command to use?

    git clone

    Cloning into ‘OpensprinklerGen2’…
    fatal: unable to access ‘’: Could not resolve host:



    Is DNS properly configured for your Pi?



    During its setup, I have it hard-wired to a WiFI extender and have installed XRDP so can see the Pi’s screen using Remote Desktop on a mac.

    Thinking about what you said, I launched the browser on the Pi, and got an error resolving “’com” so you might be right!

    Do I correct this error inside the Pi, or inside my router?



    Loads of little issues, but nearly resolved …

    I forgot to mention that I am using Raspian “Jessie” but following the oh-so-clear instructions here (updated 8th February 2016) , I found my problems and fixed them…

    Samer, I remote-desktopped into my Pi and it could not see the internet through the inbuilt browser, so your post got me started. Next I had to work out what to do, and apparently, networking changed in Raspian “Jessie”. I had to check/update three files:


    At home, my router has two WiFi networks – a “normal” one and a “5G” one so in the “wpa_supplicant.conf” file, I added their network details – SSID & Network keys.

    In the “dhcpcd.conf” file, I created two new entries – a static IP address for the “eth0” and another for the “wlan0” interfaces.

    After a “sudo reboot” I remote desktopped again and the Pi browser could see the ‘net so I felt I was getting closer.

    Now the “git clone …” command worked, but I still had to remember to change into the new directory with “cd OpensprinklerGen2″ before the “./ ospi” command would work.

    So many little things!

    The build was successful – now I am running:
    App Version: 1.4.10
    Firmware: 2.1.6(2)
    Hardware Version: OSPi-AC

    ps: I am happy to post the settings here if anyone else would like to see what I did



    Glad you got it figured out!

    The troubling steps are all due to Linux configuration and are part of the Raspberry Pi experience.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware URL for Unified firmware – has it changed?