OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Valves not fully opening

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  • #52563


    So after I discovered this wonderful product this summer and ordered all the bits for it, its been working great up until a few weeks ago. I can’t figure this one out.
    When my front yard valve activates I get serious water hammer in the valve. If I go out there with a screw driver and turn the bleeder screw the valve will finish opening and we’re off to the races.
    With the one in my back yard you can clearly hear that the valve is not fully open. The water is rushing through the valve and its loud, same case I go to the valve and turn the screw and viola it opens the rest of the way and we’re good.

    I’ve checked everything I can think of with the wires and all is well.

    My valves are orbit valves that were replaced 2 years ago, I was using an orbit timer (lol you’d think I’m a spokesperson for orbit)

    My OSP is a RPI 3 B+ with the OSP board attached to the header. I ordered the AC transformer with the board.

    Any tips or suggestions for this I am all ears. Thanks.



    A couple of thoughts come to mind. Which Orbit valves are you using? What is the voltage at the valve end of the wire when the zone is activated and the valve is disconnected? What is your water source and is the pressure on it appropriate to operate the valve?




    I apologize for my delay in my response. I was off the grid for the last week and I am now back. I’m going to go sample those items after work today.

    My water source is city water and we have no pressure regulator on the line so we’re getting straight raw power from the cities system (I intend to fix this, this year to protect the stuff on my side of the meter)

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Valves not fully opening