OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Water level keeps resetting to 0

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    I noticed the iOS app updated this past weekend, and I’ve noticed since then my sprinklers haven’t been watering automatically correctly. In trying to troubleshoot it everything appears to be ok – except for water level.

    I’m not sure when it resets, but if I put it back to 100, the next morning it’s back to 0.

    I have Manual set as my Weather Adjustment Method, no weather based restrictions and i’ve disabled the rain sensor. I’ve also rebooted the Raspberry Pi. Still the water level keeps resetting back to 0 and my lawn isn’t being watered.

    Any ideas?



    I noticed the same problem…with the same settings.



    I had made a mistake in the weather script which was applying rain adjustment to the scale for users not using weather adjustments. We patched this last night and the issue should no longer persist.

    I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. If you are still having the issue please let us know.


    Update: Here is the code change:



    Thanks Samer! I’m happy you were able to fix it.

    Do I need to do a pull from github or will it automatically be applied?



    Since this affected the weather service, no updates are needed on your part as the weather service has already been patched.

    Also, if you notice the code changes, 2.1.6 will be adding an “Auto Rain Delay” which is a direct equivalent of my PHP based code which applied a rain delay that’s user configurable if it is raining. This is also similar to the OSPi plugin that I started. This allows the user to have weather based rain delay without affecting the watering level. We will announce this with 2.1.6 in the coming weeks.




    Looking forward to it!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Water level keeps resetting to 0