OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Water Level updates

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    I’ve had a controller for a few years that’s always run on firmware 2.1.5.

    It ran fine with updates from wunderground, but I removed the key when all of those changes happened. Now the water level seems to stay the same no matter what weather updates come from Dark Sky. I’d like to go back to WU, as I have a PWS that gives me good data, but just wondering what my options are? I gather the field for adding the key has been removed in the current version of the ios app.



    When the water level gets stuck, the first thing to check is the System Diagnostic. At the home page, swipe left to right to open the left-side menu, then click ‘System Diagnostics’. Check out the Last Weather Call time stamp and Last Response received from server timestamp. If the response received time stamp is not recent, that means the controller did not receive any update from the weather server. If this is the case, there are a number of reasons. In firmware 2.1.9 we added the error code variable to help identify the error in the response. Since you have an earlier firmware, this variable doesn’t exist so we have to diagnose it in other ways.

    If you want to use WU, you pretty much have to use firmware 2.1.9 as it’s the only firmware that currently supports WU.



    Thanks Ray

    When I tap the system diagnostics button it slightly changes colour, but nothing happens. My home screen has a weather image and current temperature, does that indicate updates are being received?

    Would updating require soldering? I’d really rather avoid that. I’m not necessarily committed to WU if there’s another supported site that I can upload to.



    What’s your hardware and firmware versions? You can find these in the ‘About’ page.



    Hardware – 2.3 – AC
    Firmware – 2.1.5 (1)



    Ok, 2.1.5 is a quite outdated firmware. Would it be possible for you to update to a more recent firmware, ideally the latest firmware 2.1.9? The firmware update instructions are here:

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Water Level updates