OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Watering below freezing

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  • #78398


    This morning OpenSprinkler watered when it was below freezing (25F) which resulted in everything being covered in ice. I thought it wouldn’t water below freezing, but that does not appear to be the case.

    The weather service screen shows the low is 37F when the current weather on the main page shows a temperature of 25F. A screenshot is attached. Are these two temperature values not reconciled as a sanity check? Clearly the low can’t be 37F when it’s actively 25F.

    Do I need to add an external trigger to stop it watering below freezing if it can’t figure that out as standalone?

    App Version: 2.3.3
    Firmware: 2.2.0 (3)
    Hardware Version: OSPi



    I am having very similar issues. Been raining for hours here and opensprinkler still wants to runn. Is there a valid alternative to apple/darksky? It seems to not be very trustworthy anymore? I use eto and i know wunderground doesn’t provide info for it.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Watering below freezing