OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Waterlevel strange floating

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    i can’t understand the water level calculation.
    Here it’s raining form yesterday evening from abount 21.00.
    About 4 mm rain yesterday, the water level at 23.oo go to 0%, then after 2h go back to 59%, after 1h go to 47%.
    Today is raining and the percentage floating…

    I’m using the last fw on raspberry pi, the meteo setting are correct.

    Reboot don’t resolve.




    Again today, 7 mm rain, 0%, after one hour 14, then the % every hour go up…

    There is the possibility to use another method like, if rain X mm than stop for X day?



    This really has to do with the data that your local weather stations are reporting. The weather algorithm queries Wunderground API to obtain weather data. If the data from Wunderground server changes rapidly, the calculated watering percentage will consequently change.

    One work-around that seems to improve the reliability is to pick a specific weather station. To do so, go to Edit Options -> Location, open the map and select a specific blue dot (i.e. a specific weather stations) nearby you. Or you can directly input a Wunderground weather station name (in the form of PWS:xxxxxx). This way the weather data only comes from one particular stations as opposed to a combination of multiple stations, which could be a source of problem if some stations go wrong.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Waterlevel strange floating