OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather adjusted watering time seems goofy

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  • #36257


    I installed an OpenSprinkler with 2.1.3 and have it set to use the Zimmerman method for watering adjustments. The percent is displayed as 51% today. However when the system ran this morning the running time for zones set for 25 minutes was 3m 30s which is about 14%. I presume it should have been about 12.5 minutes (half of 25 minutes in this case). Attached is the weather data.

    Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?



    The controller keeps a daily average of the watering level which changes every 15 minutes. Therefore, I would examine the average watering level for that day and seeing if the average corresponds better to the actual run time. If it doesn’t, the program was likely started right before the watering level adjusted to a low level.

    The average can be found on the logs page in the Table view.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather adjusted watering time seems goofy