OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather location & rain sensor problems

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  • #37752



    I have 2 problems with newest firmware on generic Arduino Mega 2560:
    – weather location (“loc”) disapears after some time (couple of hours, maybe more) – as if something overwrites it.
    – when the fw detects rain and sets rain delay and when i manually turn on the relay, fw is switching relay on/off for a second. no problem when there is no rain detected.

    thanks in advance on sheding some light on above problems 😉



    Well, because you are running the firmware on a different hardware platform, I am not sure how to help you diagnose. I don’t have an Arduino Mega 2560 so I won’t be able to test. To start, maybe you should check the RAM usage of the compiled firmware and make sure it’s not exceeding the capability of Mega 2560.



    thank you, I’ll try to fix it myself then. Anyway – great software, had some problems with porting to mega but works like a charm.

    one more question – is it possible to host web app on local web server ?


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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather location & rain sensor problems