OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather Service PWS data not used by OSPi

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    I recently managed to setup my own Weather Service Server using my PWS data. I setup <OSPi_IP>:8080/su to take that data from my server. I then removed the location from my OpenSprinkler and found my water level stuck at the last value. When I do a “System Diagnose” apparently OS is not receiving data. How can I setup my OSPi to solely take my PWS data from my server? I got kind of a micro climate here and if I insert my location the weather used is not matching my actual weather.



    @jhaug40, can you re-enable your location via the App settings map page. The App uses this location to retrieve current and future weather condition to provide the right icon on the main page of the App and also to provide a summary of future day’s weather outlook when you click on that icon. The location setting is not used to actually calculate the watering level. Your local Weather Service will override any location setting, if you have set it up to use PWS data instead. let me know if any issues persist.



    @Jhaug40, Did you get it working? because I it looks like I have a same issue, the OSPI opensprinkler firmware isn’t succesfull using the data from the PWS.
    I see in the journalCTL loggin that the weather-service is receiving and accepting data from my PWS. but OS isn’t using it.

    (I also replied this on at another topic:



    @alco, you may be talking at cross-purposes here. I notice that you are using a customised WeeWX skin to achieve PWS integration with OS. This is a bit different to what jhaug40 is doing. I believe jhaug40 is using the built-in PWS capability of the OS Weather Service. I also hope he has managed to get that solution working 8). I suggest that you wait for someone on the other thread to respond that has knowledge of that customised skin.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather Service PWS data not used by OSPi