OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Well pump relay chattering and valves buzzing

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    Hooked up the OS today for my 23 zone system. I set station 1 to drive my well pump and be on while all stations in use. When I turned everything on in manual mode it sends 25.2v to the relay but the relay just chatters. It did kick on for about 10 mins and I cycled through about 5 stations before it began to chatter again. The Rain Bird controller I was using previously drives it fine. I’m using an Orbit 24v / 17w transformer with the OS. Can I use the transformer from the Rain Bird (which looks quite large)? It is rated at 26.5v / 40VA? Does this sound like a power issue? I also noticed the valves didn’t seem to fully open and they were making a buzzing sound.



    Nevermind, all is well. I went to Lowes and picked up a 750mA transformer and everything works great.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Well pump relay chattering and valves buzzing