OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) What sprinkler valves?

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    Hi, what are the best sprinkler valves for use with the opensprinklerpi?
    Do they have to be 24v or can I use any generic 12v one?



    OpenSprinkler Pi works with 24VAC sprinkler valves. It doesn’t work out of box with 12VDC valves — this is because it uses triacs to switch AC valves, and triacs cannot switch off DC valves. However, it’s possible to modify OpenSprinkler Pi to work with 12VDC valves, one possible solution is to replace the triacs with transistors or MOSFETs; an alternative solution is to use an external relay board.

    On the other hand, OpenSprinkler DC is designed to work with both 24VAC as well as 12VDC valves, so it currently provides the best flexibility.



    So I take it the opensprinklerPi provides the power for the 24v solenoids?
    Sorry for all the newby questions, I’ve only just discovered it and am trying to get my head around it.



    Yes, the circuit is powered from a single 24VAC power supply. OSPi has internal switching regulator to convert that to 5V which powers RPi. The solenoids are powered from the same 24VAC power supply.



    Do you have any links to solenoid valves th work with it?



    Are you based in the US or another country?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) What sprinkler valves?