OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Will Opensprinkler work if I don't connect GPIO 14 and 15 ?

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    Will Opensprinkler work if I don’t connect GPIO 14 and 15 of the Pi to Opensprinkler ?  I’d Like to use UART pins, 14 and 15 for rs 485 communication without conflicts.  I assume based on the manual that the rain sensor and relay would NOT be operable but I’m concerned if there is anything else that I’m overlooking. Any help would be appreciated.


    Dan in CA

    There are two numbering schemes for the GPIO pins. It looks like you are using GPIO numbers rather than physical P1 numbering.  In that case it should not be a problem as long as you don’t plan to use the rain sensor connector or the on board relay.

    I would be interested in learning about your rs 485 application.




    I am currently using the opensprinkler as a pool controller and I am going to build an API to control the intelliflo pumps using C and PHP so I can control Intelliflo pumps through http requests.  I currently am using a Pentair product which only allows me to turn the pump on and off for speeds 1,2,3 and 4.   The Intelliflo communicates through rs 485 . I’m planning on disconnecting the UART RX AND UART TX  from open sprinkler and using them to communicate with the pool pump. I working on this with three other people and hopefully it will be done in the next month or so.



    I am pretty sure you can use software defined TX/RX — in other words you can designate any two GPIO pins to function as TX/RX.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Will Opensprinkler work if I don't connect GPIO 14 and 15 ?