OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Windows 10 for Raspberry Pi 2


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    Are there any plans to make the unified software available on the upcoming Windows 10 for RPi2?



    Dan’s Python interval program might be able to run on Windows 10. The unified firmware might be able to run on Windows 10 too, using cygwin. I’ve never tried either so I have no idea.



    Earlier today I got tired of repairing drywall in the bathroom and downloaded Win10 for RASPI2.  It is pretty easy to download and set up, but only if you are running Win10 Preview to do the SD flash.

    It appear ( I could be wrong) that to develop software for this release you have to have Professional, Pro or Ultimate Visual Studio at a cost of $300 to $2,600.  Maybe you can get a trial version.  I my case the trial would expire before I gained any measurable proficiently.

    So, while Win10 is free, it is at least $300 to develop anything useful for it.

    Let me know if I am wrong about any of this.  It was pretty hot in that bathroom, 97F here in SoCal.



    First you wouldn’t want to port this to Win10 IOT instead you would want to start from scratch.  I’ve seen the python code and support files, it won’t port well to what is currently available on Win10 IOT.

    As for the dev environment you can get Win10 Desktop Preview for free and run it locally in a VM.  Then you can also get the community preview of Visual Studio 2015 for free as well and install it inside this VM.  There are a few other tools to download too but once finished you can build and deploy to the RPI2 albeit somewhat of a kludge at the moment.  I’ve done a few apps already and found it to be very unstable so far not to mention very temper mental to even get an app running on it.  It appears to use a trusted computing model requiring certificates to sign code, not fun and annoying as all get out when you just want to toss hello world out there and see it on the screen.

    So far mice are all over the place, some work some don’t, no wifi adapters appear to work (I have a ton), no bluetooth and I’m pretty sure it’s only using one core based off the performance I see with some of my simple apps.  Check back next year on RPI2 Win10 IOT.  😉



    You may be able to compile the OpenSprinkler unified firmware directly using cygwin, assuming Win10 supports cygwin.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Windows 10 for Raspberry Pi 2