OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware xp firmware – issues I had

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    I had a few issues and wish to offer this:

    I used a XP machine

    make sure when installing the driver via Zadig that you close the windows play and play install driver install – it was open in the background so the Zadig install kept failing until I closed it.

    after find device – I missed the fact that you have to unplug and reset up OpenSprinkler in firmware mode – so the firmware update failed as the OpenSprinlker had returned to normal run mode

    after the update the static ip address is lost!!!! – I guess the only way to reset it is back to pushing buttons 😉

    hope this helps





    I would highly recommend setting static IP use your router’s DHCP reservation (also known as binding IP to MAC) feature. We are now discouraging users from setting static IP directly on OpenSprinkler, because it’s prone to conflicts (i.e. if you accidentally set two devices to use the same IP).

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware xp firmware – issues I had