OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Zimmerman Method – feature request

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  • #44569


    OpenSprinkler is pull my weather station data from WU and calculated a run time is 6%. Rather then having my sprinklers go off every other day for a short period of time, I would like it if I could set a minimum run percentage where OpenSprinkler would skip watering until the cumulative run percentage adds up to something greater then the minimum run percentage and a watering occurs at the cumulative percent of time.



    Currently the firmware does skip station runs if the watering percentage is very small and if the effective water time (after multiplying the watering percentage) is very short. I looked up the code and here is the logic:

    If I understand it correctly, you want to accumulate the water time and have the stations run if the accumulated water time is larger than a certain threshold. Is that correct?



    I grab this thread for a similar idea: What if we could set a “minimum Zimmerman percentage per station”? I have diffrent types of irrigation: Plants, Lawn, Vegetables. The lawn should only be watered when Zimmerman says 80% plus, the plants should be watered at 30% plus and the veggies always.
    I think of having a “year-round” setting, without the need of switching sttions on/off during seasons.




    There is no technical barrier to this: it’s just that this seems a per-station attribute, so it’s going to add a lot of parameters and the UI needs to be changed to allow users to edit these parameters. I am not sure how many users will actively take advantage of this feature.


    Luke Howell

    This feature would solve my problem. I think it would be very useful.


    Thomas Schuett

    useful for me too

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Zimmerman Method – feature request