OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Zimmerman method not working

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  • #44122


    I have read some of the other issues users have been having, but in my case the scale number that is being returned is 100 per the information below.

    I tested the data I am getting back from the Open Sprinkler server,-82.35958&key=bfd23909739946d9

    The result is

    App Version: 1.5.0
    Firmware: 2.1.6(1)
    Hardware Version: 2.3-AC

    I have also attached a screen shot of the Weather Diagnostics and the configuration.

    Any help you can provide would be great to get this working again. This has been happening for a number of months now and I notice that even when it has been pouring rain, the Water Level never changes and remains 100%.



    This is generally because Wunderground API is returning invalid (or missing) data for your location. For example, if humidity and temperature data are missing, the weather script cannot proceed with the calculation and will return a default 100%. The easiest way to fix this is to identify a nearby personal weather station (PWS) and directly use the PWS as your location. In Edit Options -> Location, when you open the location map, the blue landmarks are your nearby PWS stations. You can choose one of them as your location.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Zimmerman method not working