OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Zimmerman precipitation values not updated correctly

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  • #50385


    I have an OpenSpringler DC 3.0 running for 4 days now. It was delivered by German distributor Schlaugarten and has the firmware version 2.1.8 already installed at delivery time. I also use the newest App Version 1.7.6.

    Setting up the Zimmerman method for weather adjustments works fine. I already have a valid Wunderground Key, which means I’m hopefully not impacted by the new Weather Underground policy. Unfortunately the precipitation values are not updated correctly.

    It was not raining the first few days and the Water level updated in the morning to 70% on 30-May-2018 and 62 % on 31-May-2018, which seems to be OK. In the late afternoon of 31-May-2018 it starts raining and the water level was updated to 0% at 10:02PM. The precipitation for the current day (Niederschlag heute) was given with 4mm, the precipitation for the previous day (Niederschlag gestern) showed 0.0 mm. After this the following water level updates took place on 01-Jun-2018:

    • 00:05AM – Water level updated 34%
    • 01:02AM – Water level updated 0%
    • 02:02AM – Water level updated 54%
    • 03:02AM – Water level updated 0%
    • 04:02AM – Water level updated 54%
    • 06:02AM – Water level updated 84%

    No further weather updates follow until now.

    The total rain amount of 4mm seems to be also not realistic. My Netatmo weather station showed 2.1mm yesterday and 0.3mm today.
    This means the precipitation is not managed correctly. The water level updates look very strange. Have there been any additional firmware changes in the past few days and are this changes not installed yet?

    I deleted the Wunderground Key which should switch the weather service to OpenWeatherMap. Unfortunately, retrieving the weather did not work in that case. The message: API Key will be needed will be displayed instead.

    Is there anything more I can do? I like to work with the Zimmerman method, but need correct precipitation values included.





    The weather details inside the app require a key which we cannot provide client side for OpenWeather Map as this may be abused. We will see what can be done on the app side to remedy this issue moving forward but that’s why the app is not showing the weather data even though you correctly setup adjustments for OWM.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Zimmerman precipitation values not updated correctly