OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware What happens with no internet?

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    So I installed an opensprinkler system only to find out later that it leverages the internet to provide some of the elements on the web page. I installed it at my folks home and they live way off in the boonies where the internet often drops out due to wind and storms. What happens to the interface if the internet isn’t available? Is it still somewhat functional?



    You only need Internet to set the programs (because some of the Javascripts required to render the webpage are stored on a server). Once the programs are set, the controller runs on its own without requiring Internet.



    I understand the unit operates the set programs with or without a connection. I’m wondering what happens if you want to go into the settings and modify the programs or do other configuration tasks. Is that just a no go without internet? Is any configuration possible without internet?



    If you have no Internet, the webpages won’t render correctly, so you can’t change any settings through the web interface. But you can still send http command. Basically the Javascripts are used to render the webpages, and to construct an HTTP GET command to send to the controller. If you know how the HTTP GET commands are constructed, you can send it without the webpages at all. The list of commands are documented here:
    It is very technical, so I don’t expect anyone to use these commands manually (unless if you write a program to do it).



    Gotcha. Thanks. Amazing product. Very clever!

    I am tempted to install a web server somewhere on their property to serve the files. Perhaps I can add it to the ddwrt router I already have installed over there. You ever hear of someone doing something like that?



    There were some efforts to make use of a Raspberry Pi to serve the Javascripts:
    Basically the Raspberry Pi runs a small webserver (something as simple as a Python HTTP server is sufficient), and then you can modify the OpenSprinkler code to use Javascripts stored on your local server.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware What happens with no internet?