OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Strange discrepancy with program and preview

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    I’m seeing some odd behavior with the preview window.

    In the following screenshots, I have my program configuration.


    Basically, I have a program that should run once through stations 1,2,3,4,5, and 7, running each for 10 minutes, all starting at 4:00 am. This would suggest that the entire program would run in about an hour (there is no station delay set). However, in the preview window (screenshot below), it shows the stations as running for about 25 minutes each, ending the complete cycle sometime after 6:00. Any ideas as to what’s causing this discrepancy?



    Dan in CA

    Hi Andrew,

    I just checked the preview on my OSPi and it seems to be displaying correctly.

    I have the latest update installed.




    You ran a test with the same parameters that I have in the screenshots?



    Well, I got it to work correctly, but I had to completely reinstall the interval program. Perhaps it was using older (and incompatible) configuration files?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Strange discrepancy with program and preview