OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Open sprinkler V2.0 Sequential Concurrent Use

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  • #22691


    Hi This is my first post. I have just purchased a Opensprinkler controller with two expansion boards. My irrigation system is fed from an on site dam and circulation pump. I am upgrading my system to use water efficient dripper hoses buried under the mulch. These have low flow rates and are intended to run for longer periods of time. I need to run multiple zones ( about 5 ) concurrently to match the pump capacity. My other zones are high flow and need to run sequentially to match the pump capacity. I am programming the controller and find the sequential or concurrent selection is global. A work around I think will be to set the controller to concurrent mode and then create multiple programs for those zones that need to run sequentially. These can have start, stop and duration times to ensure they run sequentially. This is far from perfect. A suggestion is to enable the zones to be grouped into sequential or concurrent operation to allow for my type of application. Hopefully this will become a firmware upgrade at some point in time.



    That’s a good suggestion. I was just thinking the other day that I am going to introduce the concept of ‘serial groups’ as a station attribute. There will be a globally serial group, a globally concurrent group, and a few additional custom groups. Basically stations within a serial group will be serialized, and stations in different groups are allowed to open concurrently. Every station in the globally concurrent group is allowed to run concurrently (i.e. they are treated as if each station is in a unique group). More intuitively, you can assign stations that are connected to the same water source to a serial group, so they will be serialized to preserve water pressure. If anyone uses opensprinkler for landscape lighting etc, those stations ca be assigned to the globally concurrent group to allow simultaneous running.

    I am not sure when this will be in place. But I’ve thought about the algorithm and it shouldn’t be difficult to implement.



    Thanks Ray, I did not expect such a fast response! I look forward to using your program enhancement when it arrives.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Open sprinkler V2.0 Sequential Concurrent Use