OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) There is option to connect rain sensor ?

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    There is option to connect 2 sensors for OSPi:
    1. Rain Sensor (Then when it rainy day, and the water is open, it will close automate)
    2. Land Sensor (That in computer I see when the land is dry).




    1. rain sensor is already supported.
    2. land sensor: i’ve never seen a land sensor, but it’s certainly possible to add support for it. first you need to figure out if the land sensor is a digital (i.e. on or off) or analog sensor (i.e. continuous level of voltage output). if digital, it works just like a rain sensor, and you can use any of the spare GPIO pins to interface with the sensor. if analog, you can use one of the analog (ADC) pins on OSPi to talk to the sensor. The hardware connection should be pretty easy once you decide which pin you want to use. then you also need to modify the source code to add support. if it’s a digital sensor, you can pretty much copy what’s already there for the rain sensor.



    Please you can give any rain sensor for example ?
    The land senor, I mean like “Edyn” from kickstarter. (To see if my land is dry and open the water)




    Search ‘rain sensor’ on Amazon and you will see plenty of options. The one I am using is this:



    Great, what about the land sensor ?
    Also Flow sensor ?
    Can I connect all these sensors with Valves?




    Land sensor and flow sensor are not supported in the firmware. You will need to modify the source code to add support. For flow sensor, search the forum and you will find a few threads where people have discussed how to add it.



    Another 2 questions please:
    1. To connect the RPi, I need also to connect MicroUSB or the 24V transporter is enough ?
    2. Can I use Heatsticks with the OpenSprinkler Board? (or it will not fit?)




    @ChaoscripT wrote:

    Another 2 questions please:
    1. To connect the RPi, I need also to connect MicroUSB or the 24V transporter is enough ?
    2. Can I use Heatsticks with the OpenSprinkler Board? (or it will not fit?)


    1. The 24V transformer is all you need. The OSPi board provides power to the Pi via the GPIO pins.
    2. Heatsinks should fit the Raspberry Pi sits on top of the OSPi.



    Can I control Opensprinkler Pi when I didn’t on my local internet ?
    Like from other place in world (for example)?




    Like from other place in world (for example)?

    Yup, you can set up port forwarding on your router.



    I have reviewed the photos and video of the Pi model but do not see where the rain sensor connects.

    Are the photos old? Or did I just not see it? Or have I mis-understood this thread?



    You should check the latest user manual:
    page 6, ‘Rain Sensor’ section. Rain sensor port has been added since OSPi 1.3. The video is outdated and I should re-make it at some point.




    I’m not sure how to interpret this.

    Rain sensor port has been added since OSPi 1.2.

    I have 1.2 version can I use the rain sensor?
    I tried to search in the manual for the 1.2 version but didn’t find anything.




    In the picture below, the rain sensor input can be seen. It is the green two wire connector on the right of the device. On the far left are two connectors for the common return wire and the 8 way connector in the center is the 8 zone output block. On the left side of the case you will see the orange power input connector and out of view on the rught side is an 8 pin expansion connector.

    The rain sensor may be either normally open or normally closed and this setting is changeable via the software.

    On the latest version v1.4 the opening panel in the center of the case is blocked off but is still visible. It severs no purpose on the OSPi.




    Isn’t that the connector for extension boards in version 1.2?

    Sorry about the big picture link…
    Not sure how to use this feature…



    You could be right for version 1.2. I only have version 1.4 and I used a pic from Ray’s site of an OSPi 1.4 device to show the only case where I knew the rain sensor input to be. For v1,4 I am certain as that is where I connected my rain sensor and, it is working. I believe version 1.4 to be the currently sold version so whoever buys an OSPi board today should get what is in my picture.



    Rain sensor port has been added since OSPi 1.2.

    I don’t recall where I said this. Rain sensor is only added since OSPi 1.3. If you saw where I mentioned it in 1.2, let me know and I will correct it.




    Yes you did say it. earlier in this thread, I think. That was why I showed a picture of a v1.4 device. Since you shipped me a v1.4 it is the only version I have ever seen.



    Sorry, that was my mistake — rain sensor is only added after OSPi 1.3.



    Aha ok I understand, then I need invenst in a new ospi board..:(



    Given that the OSPi software now supports weather-based rain delay, you may want to try that out first. If that works for you, you can get away with rain sensor.



    I also have OpenSprinkler v 1.2 and want to add a rain sensor. I imagine I can can add a 10k pullup resistor and a 10k current limiting resistor connected to a free IO on the gpio should work if I then advise OSprinkler which pin to use. Is this correct and if so where are OSprinkler port listing?

    Thanks Mick



    Did you use OSPi 1.2 or OpenSprinkler DIY 1.2? OpenSprinkler DIY 1.2 already has rain sensor port integrated. OSPi 1.2 does not, and yes you can add a rain sensor by following the OSPi 1.4 circuit diagram to figure out the GPIO pin. Add a 10K pullup, and a 4.7K current limiting resistor (in series) should suffice. You don’t even need 4.7K resistor — it was added because we’ve occasionally had users who plugged in 24VAC to the rain sensor port. The 4.7K resistor will make sure it won’t damaged the processor even if 24VAC is plugged into a GPIO.



    Hi all,
    Please help this guy:( Remember the adage “Never trust a programmer with a soldering iron”.
    As instructed I made rain sensor link with 12k pull up resistor and 5.5k current limiting resistor and connected it to 5v and GPIO14. I connected a NC rain sensor from Amazon. When I set weather sensor to “Rain” and “Normally closed” Open Sprinkler oscillates between “Rain detected” and “System idle” in approximately 10 second intervals.
    For the rain sensor open circuit is 3.5V and connected is 0 volts at the sensor terminals.

    I am using Open Sprinkler V1.2.1.8 (2), App 1.8.6, Hardware version OSPI
    Raspberry Pi Revision 0002 – Model B Rev 1, Linux, raspbian V9 stretch

    Can you tell me what I’ve done wrong please?
    Do I need to upgrade OSPI?

    tia Mick from Darwin in the NT which is a desert with a wet season.



    Please, the pull up resistor needs to be connected to 3.3V, not 5V! Connecting it to 5V you will risk damaging your GPIO pin. This is basic knowledge of RPi — that is, GPIO pins are only 3.3V tolerant.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) There is option to connect rain sensor ?