OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Interval Program 2.0 not working properly

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    I am unable to get the interval program/mobile app to activate my sprinkler properly.

    I upgraded to interval 2.0. The spruced up UI looks great and works fine. Samer’s mobile app discovers it and ‘appears’ to work. However, when I am in manual mode and turn on Zone 1, nothing happens. Zone 2 works, most of the time. Other zones may or may not work. I really can’t figure out a pattern for the madness, but clearly my OpenSprinker_pi is not properly responding to the new application.

    For now, I switched back to Richard Zimmerman’s application which works fine for all zones.

    If someone can suggest any workarounds/solutions I’d appreciate it. Zimmerman’s app works but doesn’t appear maintained and I would rather go with the more standard interval/mobile app solution if possible.


    Dan in CA

    Hi inahas,

    Is the problem occurring when your are using the mobile app or the native UI or both?
    I have tested with the native UI and don’t see what you describe. The code for manual mode in the main program has not changed in quite a while and as far as I know there have not been any problems.




    Thanks for the reply. The problem was because station 1 was a master station and apparently that works differently on the interval program than with Zimmerman’s app. Once I realized this I enabled the master station in interval program and everything started working fine.


    Dan in CA


    One less bug to track down.


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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Interval Program 2.0 not working properly