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    I feel rather silly posting this question…..

    I can’t seem to find the Run-Once button on the home page.

    I’m currently running firmware: 2.0.5

    If I go to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/vr , the page loads just fine.

    Is there a way to fire Run-Once from a URL? I’m thinking I’d like to get my Vera (home automation system) do this from a URL? I’m wondering if I can get Vera (my automation system) to do this for me.



    The only thing I can think of is perhaps you’ve turned on manual operation mode. If on the homepage you see a list of buttons corresponding to the stations, then you are in manual operation mode. Just switch back to program mode (Manual Off) and you should see the Run-Once button again.



    That was it, Ray. Thanks. Vera had switched it to manual and I didn’t notice.

    Do you know of a way to issue a “run-once” via HTTP POST/GET? I’m wondering if I can extend the Vera Plugin to support that.

    I like using Vera as it keeps me from poking a hole in the firewall and setting up a port forward. (among many other reasons)



    Most of the HTTP commands are documented here: http://rayshobby.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Firmware1.8HTTPGETcommands.pdf

    This document was written for firmware 1.8.3 so anything new since then isn’t documented (not too many things really).

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