OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Work around for freezing OSPI (in remote location)

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    I am experienced some problems with my OSPi (remotely located). The unit freeze and it is not possible to access it ( WEB or SSH). The reason ( to be further investigated) could be to some power problems ( it happens after some thunderstorm) and was solved by a friend who kindly reset it.

    I was reading about the watchdog hardware embedded in Raspberry Pi. Has any body already used this function, any recommendation ? Maybe is already implemented and simply I was not able to find it in the Forum ?

    My idea was to reboot the unit if was frozen .




    I turned on the watchdog function in my RPi and I did have a freeze once that was properly handled. I recommend enabling it.

    Note that this is a standard RPi feature, not unique to OSPi. The wiki contains some instructions on how to set it up.,_RTC,_WiFi,_Data_Log#Hardware_watchdog



    Thanks I will apply it



    I’m also thinking of adding a web-controllable power switch to my setup as well, so I could perform a hard power cycle if needed. So far though, that hasn’t proven necessary. But if you find the Pi to be unstable overall you might look into one of these solutions as a ‘belt and suspenders’ kind of approach.

    This product is too expensive and doesn’t have an open API but its the kind of thing I am thinking about.


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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Work around for freezing OSPI (in remote location)