OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Master Valve Station Thwarts Self Test

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    First, great product. Thanks to all who contribute.
    I am using “station 1” to control a master valve and have it all set up to come on with all other stations as it should, but… When I conduct a self test (B1 hold w/pwr ON), the program seems to just step through the stations (1-8) with no regard to the master valve, therefore I can’t see if any stations are working as the master valve is not open when stations 2-8 are.
    Is there a setting somewhere that allows the self-test to test the “normal” stations (S2-S8) and also trigger the master (S1)? Would love to see my stations spray for a few seconds when I do the self test… thanks ahead for your help!



    Totally understand. The B1 self-test is a rudimentary test that can be administered physically before connectivity is addressed. With that said, to test the software side adequately it might be easiest to run a run-once program. Just set a time of 1 minute for all stations you wish to test and ensure everything runs as desired. If you need further help starting a run-once program you may consult the reference here: or ask of course.



    You are right, the self-test ignores master valve setting. To be honest, it’s mainly for us internally to test the circuit and make sure all zones function. You are recommended to use the Run-Once Program, or manual mode for testing valves. These both observe the master valve setting.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Master Valve Station Thwarts Self Test