OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware New programs not showing up

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  • #23073


    I am on 2.0.7. When I add a New Program it appears to accept when I save (using mobile app), but when I go to Preview Programs the new program doesn’t show up. This worked before. The other change I made recently was adding a microSD card. I have tried removing all programs and re-adding, same problem. The programs show up in the “Edit Programs view, but not in the Program Preview, and I ‘m not sure they’re running. Any ideas?

    Also, is there a way (via the software interface) to confirm the OpenSpriinkler knows the SD card is installed and is able to write to it? I did a Run Once program and nothing showed up in the Log.




    Does the program show up on the Program list page? Note that the program preview by default shows today’s schedule. If the program you added is not scheduled to run today, it will not show up in the preview.

    The simplest way to check if SD card is installed and detected is to check the LCD screen and see if there is a SD card icon. The shape of the icon looks like this:



    The most likely issue is you have an interval of 0. The programs will not run (hence no preview) unless the interval is greater than 0. To avoid repeating set to a high value such as 23 hours.



    Is having to set a large interval still an issue in the latest firmware?



    No this is fixed in 2.1.0.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware New programs not showing up