Well I live in one of the wettest towns of Australia, we get 4-5m of rainfall a year so there’s quite a few days where irrigation isn’t really needed like today.
I bought a digital rain gauge and was wondering if anyone has implemented similar into OSPi? It’s the see saw style I believe, I think it dumps each time at around 7mL. I am guessing that when the seesaw dumps one side it activates a momentary switch so the controller just adds up each time it happens?
I believe I read somewhere about an i2c counter chip, was wondering if wiring the bucket part up to a counter would be a good idea and a wire to the OSPi. Or even a custom program on an arduino?
http://www.bunnings.com.au/holman-iweather-digital-rain-gauge_p3110656 is what I have.
I would like to one day have a weather station with datalogging, does anyone know of any that are $100 or less and can talk to the OSPI? Humidity, rainfall, temperature, air pressure (lots of cyclones here), wind speed and direction would be great and something like i2c or something where I can use a cable about 10-15m long to put in the position I want it.