OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Reboot when turning off station when multiple running

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    OpenSprinkler 2.1 here. We are putting in a bunch of garden beds and sod around them with each sprinkler on a valve. In this process, I have discovered that it seems there might be a problem with OS, when sequential mode disabled. I will turn on two garden beds individually in manual mode, then when I try to turn just one of them off, they both go off. . .I then discovered the OS is rebooting when I try to turn the first one off. . .which is what results in the second one going off as well. . .anyone else have this issue?

    I have an Orbit transformer (24V 750mA) from Lowes. . .and orbit 1″ valves.



    That’s an unusual problem. Which firmware are you running? Also, is this only happening when sequential is off? If you just need to test the valves with manual mode, you don’t have to turn off sequential — in manual mode you can turn on any number of valves in parallel (as long as your transformer can drive that many valves).



    I haven’t tried it with seq on. I need to run with it off now because garden beds currently should run at same time. I can test with seq on to see if it makes a diff.

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    It indeed only happens with seq off. Surprising. All connected to expansion module.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Hmm, this sounds like a software bug. But I can’t think of why this would happen. Will check again later to see if I can reproduce the problem.



    K. Let me know if you need anything from me.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Reboot when turning off station when multiple running