OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Windows Phone issues

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    If your IP address changes, there’s no way to update the IP or delete the sprinkler. When you press “Save” or “Delete” you go to a weird looking page and you’re toast. After app-restart the entry is still there. The only solution is to completely restart the app.

    I would also like to see you getting rid of the ‘back’ breadcrumb. It’s an iOS thing. We have the hardware backbutton instead. For popups, when you press the back-button you leave the app or go to the previous page, instead of closing the popup. For instance click “rain delay” and then back button to close the dialog -> App shuts down.

    Instead of the burger and settings buttons on top, could you use the Windows Phone app-bar. Similar thing on many subpages that have a “submit” button on top rather than using the app-bar.

    Live tile: Would be nice with next schedule and last run item on it.



    Thank you for the detailed report. I will look into and will fix the site manager page not working properly on Windows Phone 8. That is a horrible bug and thanks for reporting. As a side note, I am looking into better way’s to handle an IP change of the device.

    In regard to the back button, you need to understand this is a universal app. The same code is used for all the different platforms otherwise the time required would exceed what is doable by one person. The popup’s not working with the native back button is an issue and will be resolved.

    Again, the app-bar is something I am not familiar with since I develop a cross-platform application. However, I do plan to look into it and see if this is something I can incorporate with the current method.

    The live tile is an extra which I think could be useful but honsestly will not be a priority. I will look into this and see what I can do.

    Basically, the back button not working on popups and the site manager page buttons kicking you out of the app will both be addressed ASAP.



    You’re welcome. I get the point of building one app for them all, but unfortunately it also means a really poor user experience and an app that doesn’t feel like it’s made for the device.

    I had started making my own home automation dashboard app. I could probably take on making an entire app for instead that will use the platform a little more. I put it on GitHub so far: Don’t mind the app piece yet… it’s ugly and just to quickly test it for now.



    The things you pointed out in your first post are bugs regarding my app for Windows Phone and are the major factors contributing to the poor user experience you mention. I don’t think building a cross-platform UI inherently means a poor user experience but I do understand an application tailored for the platform has its appeal.




    @dotMorten wrote:

    If your IP address changes, there’s no way to update the IP or delete the sprinkler. When you press “Save” or “Delete” you go to a weird looking page and you’re toast. After app-restart the entry is still there. The only solution is to completely restart the app.

    This has been resolved. The underlying issue was IE10 and below doesn’t support the dataset object. Will be resolved in the next version.

    @dotMorten wrote:

    I would also like to see you getting rid of the ‘back’ breadcrumb. It’s an iOS thing. We have the hardware backbutton instead.

    This will be hidden on the next version.

    @dotMorten wrote:

    For popups, when you press the back-button you leave the app or go to the previous page, instead of closing the popup. For instance click “rain delay” and then back button to close the dialog -> App shuts down.

    This has been fixed for the next version and will now properly close the popup.



    Awesome work. I can’t even begin to imagine all the horrors of getting one app to run on all devices.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Windows Phone issues