OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Blowout program – pauses, recursion Reply To: Blowout program – pauses, recursion



Hmmmm….. “achieve my result”….that would solve the delay but I’m not sure if that addresses the recursion. The concept that you have to hit a zone a second time in sequence.
Notice below that zone 1 gets hit twice. In my case I have a few zones that have 4 or 5 heads that will take a few (2-3) shots before fully blown out with the capacity of my compressor.

zone 1 30s
pause 2 minutes
zone 1 30s
pause 2 minutes
zone 2 30s
pause 3 minutes (larger flow zone)
zone 3 5mins (drip zone)
pause 2 minutes
and so on.