OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Blowout program – pauses, recursion

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  • #34294


    I would imagine this has come up before – wouldn’t it be great to be able to have a fully open program cabablity? Maybe there is one. My use case would be blowing out the system with a….ummmm…sub-capacity compressor. One that has to recover between zones.

    So a program that would do the following:

    zone 1 30s
    pause 2 minutes
    zone 1 30s
    pause 2 minutes
    zone 2 30s
    pause 3 minutes (larger flow zone)
    zone 3 5mins (drip zone)
    pause 2 minutes
    and so on.



    There is a ‘station delay’ option. You can set station delay to 2 minutes and that will create a 2-minute delay between two consecutive running stations.



    Furthermore, if you simply use the largest station delay time (3 minutes in your example) then you achieve your result without any real penalty.



    Hmmmm….. “achieve my result”….that would solve the delay but I’m not sure if that addresses the recursion. The concept that you have to hit a zone a second time in sequence.
    Notice below that zone 1 gets hit twice. In my case I have a few zones that have 4 or 5 heads that will take a few (2-3) shots before fully blown out with the capacity of my compressor.

    zone 1 30s
    pause 2 minutes
    zone 1 30s
    pause 2 minutes
    zone 2 30s
    pause 3 minutes (larger flow zone)
    zone 3 5mins (drip zone)
    pause 2 minutes
    and so on.



    What you described would involve pretty significant changes to the program data structure and UI. It’s better addressed by using an external script. You can write a script in Python or any suitable language that sends HTTP commands to OpenSprinkler to turn on zones in any sequence with any delay time. You can create as many scripts as you need. Please check the API documentation, particularly Section 10. Test Station (previously manual override) command:

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Blowout program – pauses, recursion