OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Trigger watering cycle from motion sensor?

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    Is it possible to trigger a watering cycle using OpenSprinkler with an input from a PIR motion sensor?

    I’m thinking about purchasing an OpenSprinkler unit to control a watering system for my bonsai trees, I have been having some issues with possums eating the trees in the night and reckon if I can use a motion sensor to trigger a 20sec blast from the sprinkler system it would be enough of a deterrent to keep them away.



    The support page has some information about how you can do it:

    You will need to connect a PIR motion sensor and modify the source code. There are plenty of tutorials online about Arduino and PIR motion sensor, so it should be fairly straightforward.




    I realize this post is SUPER old … but did you ever get this working?

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Trigger watering cycle from motion sensor?