OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSPi with one Exp board (and set to Exp=0)

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    Can anyone please verify what I am seeing at the moment. I have an OSPi board and one Expansion board setup. If I correctly configure the interface to Exp=1 then all seems to work fine.

    If I incorrectly configure the interface to Exp=0, but I still have the expansion board connected, I get strange results. When switching Stations 1 and 2 On I also get Stations 9 etc. switching On.

    It might be me, with the Expansion board running on my breadboard, but I want to be sure before I let it loose on my garden.




    This may have to do with the way the OSPi source code sends data to the shift register. In the microcontroller-based OpenSprinkler, the firmware always sends padding of 0’s so stations on the expansion boards will not be accidentally activated.

    When you say ‘with expansion baord running on your breadboard’, what do you mean? Do you have a fully assembled expansion board bought from us or did you build one on the breadboard yourself?



    I built an expansion unit on my breadboard using a few LED’s and a 795 shift register. I also tested the Micro version and there it works correctly.


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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSPi with one Exp board (and set to Exp=0)