OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App error in Info.plist of OpenSprinkler application.

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  • #34924


    Error on iOS open sprinkler application.


    the Opensprinkler app has this in its info.plist file


    Thanks. The app has




    <string>Your current location will be used to configure OpenSprinkler.</string>



    this array should just be a single string and we’re not type checking properly.


    the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription should be a single string

    it should look like this



    <string>Your current location will be used to configure OpenSprinkler.</string>





    Is this an error message you are seeing or a suggestion? I’ve never seen any error like this and can’t believe iOS would report an Info.plist error.

    Also, I think I understand what you are proposing and I can fix this but curious why it came up.




    New version of the OS, this causes a crash in Settings. when you edit Privacy->LocationServices->Opensprinkler.

    This is causing Settings to crash, its going to get fixed latter but not now.

    I didn’t want to post this to all.





    Thank you very much for the detail! I’ll get this fixed now, thanks again!

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App error in Info.plist of OpenSprinkler application.