Hi Guys,
I use OpenSprinkler with automation system in my house. To add even more smarts to OpenSprinkler I have disabled all of the functions and just use the HTTP GET’s to activate my zones. I do this as I take a lot more information in to consideration such as rainfall in the last 48 hours, humidty and what the weather forecast is.
Based on this I then make a call to Opensprinkler which looks similar to
http://” & OpenSprinkler & “/sn” & Zones(intcount) & “=1&t=”& (ZoneRuneTime(intcount) – args.Item(2)) * 60
Which translates to
If number of seconds is a negative value it just runs for ever.
Whilst I fixed my coding error it would be great if negative values aren’t allowed.
The other night I made a coding error and then discovered a wet front yard as I had an infinite run time