OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware FW 2.1.3 When and Where?

  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Ray.
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  • #35588


    I noticed the new android version of opensprinkller references FW v 2.1.3 and that it now does the dusk to dawn controlling for light control. However the Firmware is not up yet. Any ETA on this, and may I strongly recommend that when it is updated that the Firmware page actually reflect the current version of Firmware available for download.


    Thanks, I am looking forward to testing the dusk to to dawn control.




    Firmware 2.1.3 is pretty much ready to be released. The plan is to release it when Apple approves OpenSprinkler iOS app 1.2.9, which may take a few additional days. The reason is that the new app now supports md5-hashed password on firmware 2.1.3, so we need to make sure the app is available before the firmware is released. Right now the app has already been updated on most platforms except iOS.

    As a quick heads-up, firmware 2.1.3 will be the first unified firmware that runs on all OpenSprinkler platforms, including the standard OS (microcontroller-based), OSPi, and OSBo. Feature-wise, it has added support to use sunrise/sunset times (with up to 4 hours of offset) in program start times. For example, you can define a program to start at sunrise + 30 minutes, or sunset – 45 minutes and so on. I will make an announcement with details when it’s officially released.



    Also, just to add, the application does check the latest firmware and let’s you know if an update is available. It will also show you a change log so you can see what’s new/changed. This shows up on the home screen as a green bar under the header and tapping it allows you to see the changelog and dismiss the notification.



    So just checking in to see how close we are for this release? Has there been a set back?



    My goal is to announce it this weekend. It has been a very hectic week, and I didn’t have time to work on it during the weekdays. Sorry about that.



    Sounds good, I certainly understand about life getting in the way of things. Looking forward to the update.


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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware FW 2.1.3 When and Where?