OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Ad Hoc WiFi and best solenoids

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    I am looking into the OpenSprinkler system for my mother as the web interface makes it much easier to program and control than most commercial units.

    I was wondering whether the unit can be controlled with the TL-WR702N creating an ad hoc network, i.e. the TL-WR702N acts as a stand alone WiFi base station that can be accessed by an iPhone or iPad using its own network without any connection to a router, modem or the internet?

    I would also be grateful if anyone in Australia could point me to an affordable solenoid that works well with OpenSprinkler.

    Many thanks for your help.



    It can, especially if you use the iPhone or iPad app. However, do keep in mind that without Internet the controller cannot query the weather script and sunrise/sunset times.

    To source sprinkler solenoids in Australia, I suggest that you contact — our distributor in Australia.



    Thank you for your quick and helpful reply. I had entirely missed the fact that you had an Australian distributor.



    Can anyone help me with the setup for the TL-WR702N to do this.
    Im not sure which mode to set the TP link in and the other settings required for this to work.

    I was wondering whether the unit can be controlled with the TL-WR702N creating an ad hoc network, i.e. the TL-WR702N acts as a stand alone WiFi base station that can be accessed by an iPhone or iPad using its own network without any connection to a router, modem or the internet?



    We have a video tutorial — go to, click on Support and you should find the video tutorial. I am on a train, the WiFi is very slow, pages are loading very slowly, so I can’t post the direct link at the moment.



    Hi Ray
    Thanks for your reply, I only see a video for using Tp-link in client mode to connect to existing router/wifi setup. I have had this setup before. What I now require is:

    TL-WR702N acts as a stand alone WiFi base station that can be accessed by an iPhone or iPad using its own network without any connection to a router, modem or the internet

    Do you have a video for this setup?



    Hi Murph72,

    If you are still after solenoids, I have had good experience with
    I’ve had mine in awhile now, I believe the units I have are:-

    Regarding the Wireless, put the TLWR702N it in AP mode, set up security and your done (I believe DHCP server is on by default, if not turn it on and confirm IP range). Connect to wireless with iPhone/iPad using the security you setup on AP. I suspect you will need the open sprinkler app as the web interface does not work on an isolated network as it needs to download pages from the net. Ray can clarify if the app does work on isolated networks (I’m pretty sure Android version does).



    @Murph72: got you. Yes, you can set up TL-WR70N as ‘Access Point’. Then connect OpenSprinkler to it via Ethernet cable, and iPhone/iPad to it via WiFi. As long as you use the OpenSprinkler mobile app, you should be able to access the controller without any Internet connection.

    Ah, just as I finished typing, I noticed BinaryOS has already responded to both your questions 🙂

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Ad Hoc WiFi and best solenoids