OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions 6A power supply to power lighting, solenoids and opensprinkler?

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    Max Sylvester


    I’m looking at getting an open sprinkler to control some outdoor lighting and water the garden. I want to run about ~100W of lighting and possibly several solenoids at once. It seems the each zone can use 800mA, so i could get away with max. 19.2W of lighting per zone (fine if i use LEDs).

    My concern is that the examples I am seeing all use a 1A power supply. Can i use a 6A 24VAC power supply and have all zones running at 700-800mA without blowing up the open sprinkler?

    The unit i am considering is:

    (i’m in Australia, in case you’re wondering why i want a 240V input)

    I hope my enquiry makes sense.





    800mA per zone is reaching the limit of the triac. You should use a relay to drive your LED if it consumes that much current. Also, if you drive LED with AC power, keep in mind you will get flickring (roughly 30Hz). This may or may not be an issue depending on your application. 6A supply is fine — the current rating just means the power supply is capable at outputting 6A while still maintaining 24V AC voltage.


    Max Sylvester

    thanks Ray,

    I’ve ordered one.






    Also being from Australia on 240V(but being a complete novice at electronics) I’m really interested in this thread. I’ve just ordered an Opensprinkler a couple of days ago so waiting a few weeks to arrive.

    The video’s explain the retic side which i’m confident of getting working easily as I’m only modifying an existing setup however I’m super confused about relays (built in vs external etc) and how I can use the OS to switch LED garden lighting and a pond pump. (not purchased / installed yet but have power cabling run through new landscaping etc alongside retic lines)

    Any pointers or links to other threads you know of where its explained for a beginner would be awesome.


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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions 6A power supply to power lighting, solenoids and opensprinkler?