OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather adjustement problem ?

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    Despite observing for a few days, with meteo conditions varying widely from sunny and hot to grey and rainy, I always see 100% watering in the main panel. Is this supposed to be like this ?

    I have read in other posts about communication issues but if I inquiry my API usage it appears as if it is working as expected.

    As un unrelated note the web panel complains about OS not being routed on the Internet but I have setup my IP forwarding rules and can access it from my office via my cell phone or PC browser.

    Some attached images might give more clues.

    Thanks in advance.



    I have rebooted and the problem is solved and now the Watering % does change as advertised !



    I had a similar problem today, it was raining outside and the weather adjustment said 52% (it always says 52%) i rebooted the device, and now its reading correctly.


    Seems like it was getting the weather info too frequently before the update now its not doing it enough.



    We are trying to figure out the cause of the weather data not updating, and introduce a fail-safe approach, such as re-initialize network if weather query has failed to return any result more than n times in a roll.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather adjustement problem ?