OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Post complete sd card img files for download

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  • #37382


    May I suggest that you post the whole range of complete sd card image files for each device (every public version) to Github.

    That would make it easier for anyone at any level to get the latest or any version of the software and install by only writing a new sd card.






    I don’t understand why anyone would use the preconfigured SD card to be honest. It will always be outdated.

    It is a lot better to grab the latest copy of Rasbian and just clone the repo and run the build script.



    As Samer said, the software changes pretty rapidly and it’s time consuming for us to make a new SD card image everything the software changes. With the unified firmware, the installation is pretty simple: you just grab the Raspbian image, burn it to SD card, and follow the firmware installation instructions:
    the installation should take no more than a couple of minutes.



    I am using the Beaglebone Black version and the instructions that I can find don’t seem to get me to a system that will start up correctly on reboot. I may be doing something wrong so I will go back through all the Opensprinkler web site notes. But it will have to wait a few weeks until I can get back to it. There were also some issues with getting the wireless to work reliably using the small USB dongle. There are several posts online in various places dealing with the USB wireless that I will want to follow. I of course will post my findings here for other people to follow.







    The instructions:
    specifically mention that after running the script, it will set the program to run automatically on start-up.



    I know of course that the Rasbian image runs on the Raspberry Pi, But doesn’t the Beaglebone Black require its own version of Debian (I believe it would be the wheezy release)?



    Yes, BBB has its own version of Debian. So for BBB, you just download its Debian image, burn it to SD card. The procedure for installing the unified OpenSprinkler firmware is the same for both (and for Linux in general).

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Post complete sd card img files for download