OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Minor quirk in the operation of the UIs

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  • #38441


    OS HW v2.3 FW v2.1.4
    I am developing an automation app. I noticed a minor behavioral quirk that is not unique to the use of my automation app. When I change a setting, specifically Operation enable, neither the browser UI nor the mobile app reflect that change in state if they are pointing at the part of the display that contains that setting. It is also true if the state change is made from either the browser UI of the mobile app. This is probably expected behavior since those displays are not updated while active. However, if you try to change the state of that setting from the browser UI or the mobile app when it is in this state, the pop-up recognizes that the state has changed state and asks the question opposite to what you thought you were doing.
    Here’s a simple example just between the browser UI and the mobile app. It also occurs if the change is made from my app.
    Both UI displays are looking at the state of Operation. It is enabled.
    Disable it from the Browser UI. That UI now says ‘Enable Operation’. The mobile app still says ‘Disable Operation’.
    On the mobile app, click ‘Disable Operation’. The pop-up says “Are you sure you want to enable operation?” Clicking no, leaves the display in the wrong state (still ‘Disable Operation’).

    I think this is minor because it’s not a state that you would get into very often, but if you do the dialog with the user would be confusing. I just wanted to let you know.



    Hi, thank you for reporting this. I completely understand what you are saying and will add some code to update the status of the operation flag throughout the UI.

    Thank you!

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Minor quirk in the operation of the UIs