I have a Rasp B and OS-Pi running sprinklers_pi-1.0.7 (Is there a newer version than this?)
All seems ok until I enable the weather adjustment, it causes most of the schedules to not activate properly or fully.
I notice that although i connect to a Melbourne based weather station ok, the ‘overall scale’ always (when I look) results in 0% (see below)
For example, this schedule should run twice each day for 15 minutes. With weather adjustments on it get some major adjustments on some activations and on others just simply doesn’t register any activation. ie Nothing on the 30th…
06:00:01 2015/05/28 1:59 1 100 13
21:00:01 2015/05/28 1:59 1 100 13
06:00:01 2015/05/29 3:59 1 100 29
21:00:01 2015/05/29 3:59 1 100 29
06:00:01 2015/05/31 1:59 1 100 16
Min Humidity: 79%
Max Humidity: 94%
Mean Temp: 55°F
Precip Today: 0.05″
Precip Yesterday: 0″
Wind Yesterday: 0.4mph
UV Now: 0
Overall Scale: 0%
Thanks for any help, advice or refs to previous solutions I haven’t found (yet)…