OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Station activates by itself

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    I just upgraded to unified last week and it seemed to go fine. I have been out of town for a couple of days and a neighbor said my sprinklers are coming on an off during the day. So today I worked in my home office all day and sure enough I noticed that one station (I can only see two from my window) comes on for about a second every few minutes. It’s been happening all day and the interval seems to be somewhat random. I tried shutting off the OSPi and unplugging the power and during that time there were no issues. But as soon as I powered it back on I’m getting the behavior again. What can I do to troubleshoot and find out why this is happening? I don’t see anyone else with the issue so maybe it’s just me? I’ve had the system installed for maybe a year and this didn’t start happening until the unified upgrade.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated!



    Ok sorry to reply to my own post so fast. Turns out I hadn’t actually checked the programs since I imported. They did not come over smoothly and are set to activate for 1 second every few minutes. I guess I just assumed the import worked since the station names were correct. Turns out the station times are completely bonked. Mystery solved.



    This seems like a bug importing from Dans program to the Unified program. If you don’t mind emailing me the backup that failed I can see what I can do about fixing it. My email is [email protected].

    Thank you!



    Yes I think it is a bug. What I did was use the mobile app to export and import. If you can tell me how to find that export file on my phone I will send it to you.



    Ah, you did the export to internal storage. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to copy that out of the storage. This was one of the first methods of backing up and remains supported for the early adopters however its the least reliable means of backing up (in my opinion).

    Was it only the duration that was incorrect or were other problems also present from the import?



    The station names and other info came over just fine. Also the number of programs (7) and program names. Right after the import we had several days of rain so I had it on rain delay. I didn’t bother to check all the station run times assuming they were good too. It was just this week when the sprinklers should have started working again that we noticed the lawn was dry and we were having stations pop on for a second. When I finally looked at the schedule graph it was a bunch of vertical lines as most of all of the stations were scheduled to come on for a single second every few minutes.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Station activates by itself