I have been looking at the log of my OpenSprinkler and trying to make use of data. The output is a JSON file, which I previously had no experience with but it appears to be similar to a CSV type file, with the exception that the whole file and each line is set in square brackets. The log appears to have four fields. I assume the first field is the zone. Here is the first line: “[1,0,2952,1435296613]”. I assume the first number is my zone… I’m only using one zone at the moment. The third number, 2952 in this case, is the amount of seconds the zone ran for: 49 minutes and 12 seconds. The last number, 1435296613, is the start time in seconds since midnight on 1-1-1970 of my local time: Friday, June 26 2015 05:30:13. This much I have figured out so far, but I am curious as to that second number… in my case, “0”. What is this number mean?