OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Stubborn program: one station set to 0 sec still active

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  • #40088


    Hi all.
    Since the weather here in Italy is now less severely hot than in August, I would like to remove a station (ST.X) from a program (DAILY program, containing also all the remaining stations) run to a daily base to another one which runs on, say, only odd days.
    To accomplish this, I set to zero the duration of that station (ST.X), and I activated and saved another program (ODD program ) for the very same station only, to be run on odd days.

    To my surprise, ST.X is activated by both ODD and DAILY programs: the conclusion is that I’m rather overwatering instead than reduce the amount of water.

    I tried to reset the device, but to no avail. I also tried to turn it off from the main, but again to no avail.

    I’m sure of the overwatering because of the water I find each morning (not only the ODD days) in some containers I put under the drippers.

    I temporarily solved the issue, setting ST.X duration on DAILY program to a few seconds.

    Any idea ?

    OpenSprinkler 2.1u DIY, no expansions, Firmware 2.1.5(1) on Mint/Firefox
    Android 4.3 on Galaxy S3, Ver 1.4.5 mobile and Web app



    If the water time is 0, the firmware will not schedule or activate the valve. You said “I also tried to turn it off from the main, but again to no avail” — can you explain what this means? What do you mean by turn it off from the main?



    Turning off the 24 V main supply.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Stubborn program: one station set to 0 sec still active