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    I have Unified Software 2.16. It is working fine. Thank you. I am having difficulty with making a configuration backup. Within the Web App I am able to effectively backup and restore from within the app but cannot make the email or File options work. I click on them and am never prompted for an email address or a file location.

    From the Android app I was able to send an email backup but a copy/paste operation (starting and ending with { } ) to both the Windows Web App or the Android app both failed telling the to check my file.

    I would like to be able to transfer my configuration data from one micro SD Card to another so can you please tell me either how to make the above work or show me the Linux folder/filename where I can find the internal backup and copy that to my new SD Card.



    What web browser do you use? I would suggest trying a different browser as it may be a browser-dependent bug.

    The relevant files are all in the firmware folder:
    – nvm.dat stores settings, station names, programs
    – wtopts.txt stores the weather adjustment options
    – stns.dat stores special station data (for RF and remote stations)
    – logs/ subfolder stores all the log files.



    How right you are. Thanks Ray.

    I used Chrome and it worked fine.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Email backup and backup to file