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I wiresharked the web app to see what it does when zone 1 is disabled and then enabled. The results were a bit surprising:
GET /cs?pw=*****&s0=FrontLawn+Left+1&q0=255&q1=255&q2=255&i0=255&i1=255&i2=255&d0=1&d1=0&d2=0
GET /cs?pw=*****&s0=FrontLawn+Left+1&q0=255&q1=255&q2=255&i0=255&i1=255&i2=255&d0=0&d1=0&d2=0

It appears that the ‘d’ parameter is a binary parameter (on or off). Great. But…
Why are all the other parameters included, why that collection of parameters and zones and why are ‘q’ and ‘i’ treated differently than ‘d’? Specifically:
Zone 1 name (unchanged)
Zones 1 – 3 Ignore Rain parameter (unchanged) AND each zone specified as a bit field (255). It appears that to change the Ignore Rain (or Sequential) parameter for say Zone 1, one would specify it as &i=254. Yes? Why not binary?
Zones 1 – 3 Sequential parameter (unchanged) AND each zone specified as a bit field (255)
Zones 2 and 3 Enable parameter (unchanged)

I did all of this with FW 2.1.5