OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software Jeedom plugin for OpenSprinkler

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  • #41605



    For information, I will start a plugin for Jeedom to communicate with OpenSprinkler.
    API of OpenSprinkler is well documented, so it will be easy I think.

    I’m in France, personnaly the house project is at only starting.
    Jeedom is a french home automation software mainly. Written in PHP with different languages for the services (nodejs and python mainly) when needed.
    There is more than 200 plugins. Myself I have 40 actually.

    So hope to get a opensprinkler soon for the garden part and to have communication with the full house.



    Cool, thanks for sharing your plan.



    Salut, je suis sous Jeedom également.
    Je pense commander opensprinkler AC ou DC dans la semaine.
    Si tu as fait un plugin pour Jeedom ca m’interesse à fond.


    Hi, I am also under Jeedom.
    I think opensprinkler control AC or DC in the week.
    If you made a plugin for Jeedom’re interested me.

    Thank you




    To follow this thread, the plugin is on the way for Jeedom.
    Technicly working, finish the widget part.

    Thanks @ray for your great job. After OpenGarage and OpenSprinkler, I will look for your future project to provide plugins.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software Jeedom plugin for OpenSprinkler